October 17, 2004


me on bike

i spent a good part of yesterday on my bike. about 3 hours, but not really intense. more like a "riding a bit, stopping shooting some pictures, cause you've been a good boy, and worked really hard, so get out and have some fun" kind of ride. the secret to taking great photos in fall in ohio is: a. go outside b. point your camera at something c. shoot.

it really is beautiful and i plan on sorting thru what i took and posting the highlights. i did get a bit of intense riding in over the couple of parks i visited yesterday. all in all a great experience. i was genuinely moved and felt the buzz from it all day. it also saddened me that the beauty of this earth is being destroyed by many. being in the woods and seeing how beautiful it is - how can people hate and kill. and how can our leadership let our corporations ruin the environment.

i finished aron ralston's book. araon ralston, for those who don't know or recall, was a hiker who amputated his own right arm when a boulder trapped it while he was hiking in utah. what an inspirational story - all aspects of it - and another indication of what people can endure when they need to...

i started watching "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" or whatever it's called...and to be fair, i wasn't really paying too good of attention, and as a result, was a bit confused (or maybe that's just how the movie is...). i probably will give it another shot. jim carrey wasn't obnoxious in this one - at least not nearly as obnoxious as usual...and i do like kirsten dunst...soundtrack by jon brion is good as well...

later on in the evening, i saw a richard pryor concert movie - at his peak, he was the best - v. funny - was rolling even though i've heard all it a million times...

p.s. quote of the day: "a working person who votes for bush is like a chicken who votes for colonel sanders." - robert reich

Posted by Mike at October 17, 2004 01:16 PM
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